Tiny RDM
Tiny RDM is a modern lightweight cross-platform Redis desktop manager available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- Super lightweight, built on Webview2, without embedded browsers (Thanks to Wails).
- Provides visually and user-friendly UI, light and dark themes (Thanks to Naive UI and IconPark).
- Multi-language support (Need more languages ? Click here to contribute).
- Better connection management: supports SSH Tunnel/SSL/Sentinel Mode/Cluster Mode/HTTP proxy/SOCKS5 proxy.
- Visualize key value operations, CRUD support for Lists, Hashes, Strings, Sets, Sorted Sets, and Streams.
- Support multiple data viewing format and decode/decompression methods.
- Use SCAN for segmented loading, making it easy to list millions of keys.
- Logs list for command operation history.
- Provides command-line mode.
- Provides slow logs list.
- Segmented loading and querying for List/Hash/Set/Sorted Set.
- Provide value decode/decompression for List/Hash/Set/Sorted Set.
- Integrate with Monaco Editor
- Support real-time commands monitoring.
- Support import/export data.
- Support publish/subscribe.
- Support import/export connection profile.
- Custom data encoder and decoder for value display (Here are the instructions).
data statistics
Relevant Navigation
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